Earth Gallery Stock Photography from Alamy Images
Many Earth Gallery images by Dennis Sullivan are now available to license online from Alamy Images. The photographs are provided as high resolution digital files for download through the secure Alamy website.
Earth Gallery stock photography by Dennis Sullivan at Alamy |
Stock Photography from Earth Gallery
All of the images in this site and hundreds of other fine photographs are available to license from Earth Gallery for your image needs. The photographs can be provided as high resolution digital files on CD or as traditional film stock.
Digital image files are available as CCD scans from 35mm film. Scans are created on a Nikon LS-5000 film scanner as 24-bit RGB TIFF files. The maximum optical density range is 4.8. Digital files are available at sizes up to 56 MB (approximately 3600 by 5400 pixels), suitable for 12-inch by 18-inch prints at 150 line screen (300 ppi). The images are color corrected and written as uncompressed TIFF, Adobe Photoshop, or high quality (low compression) JPEG files on CD-R for delivery.
Earth Gallery photographs are also available on film stock as 35mm, 70mm, or 4x5-inch reproduction quality dupes. If you have special needs that aren't met by our scanned images, please include a note on our Stock Photo Price Quote Form or send us an e-mail with your requirements.
All of the photos in the Earth Gallery webite are currently available as digital files. In addition, new digital images will soon be added to our upcoming Online Photo Catalog on a weekly basis. If you need an image you don't see, browse our Stock Photography List or send us a Photo Research Request and we'll search our film archives and post scanned images for you to review. We will soon be offering a searchable catalog of images on CD-R and a down-loadable thumbnail catalog in PDF format. Many of our photographs are now available for download through the searchable database at Alamy Images.
If you need an image you don't see, send us a Photo Research Request and we'll search our film archives and post scanned images for you to review.
Our licensing fees are based on specific use. To obtain a price quote, just fill out our Stock Photo Price Quote Form. The licensing fees will be based on media (such as print or web), type of use (such as personal, corporate, advertising, or editorial), size and position of image, length of display time, size of print run, and distribution (such as local, regional, or national).
Please review our Copyright Notice and our Terms and Conditions.
If you have any questions or would like some personal help with your image needs, please feel free to contact us by e-mail at
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