Copyright Information

All Earth Gallery photographs are protected under the United States Copyright Act of 1976 as amended (Title 17 of U.S. Code) and the International Berne Convention of 1988. Images may not be copied or reproduced in any manner without the express written consent of the photographer, Dennis M. Sullivan. This protection extends to the electronic distribution of images on the world wide web, by e-mail, or by CD-ROM, as well as all print media.

Earth Gallery photographs may be licensed for individual use through our Stock Photography division. Limited reproduction rights will be granted upon payment of the required licensing fees. Descriptions of our licensing terms may be found at our Terms and Conditions page. Questions or requests regarding our licensing policies may be e-mailed to

Various Earth Gallery products are distributed with limited usage licenses included. The specific rights granted with each product are described in literature accompanying the product. These rights are also described in our Stock Photography section and on our Online Gift Shop.

Unauthorized use of Earth Gallery photographs or art images is subject to prosecution under United States and International laws. Unauthorized use includes any copying, reproduction, or distribution of the copyrighted material without first obtaining the express written permission of the copyright holder, Dennis M. Sullivan.

Page revised July 30, 2003.